What is Net-metering?

Net metering produces its own photovoltaic current in its (home or business) space. Provides energy & economy, since net metering power does not require expensive batteries to be installed, so you can produce exactly the amount of power you consume, no more!

Effective operation

In Net Metering self-production, account clearing is energy, with the consequence that whenever a clearing account is issued, an offsetting of input-output energy is made. If the autoproducer has consumed more energy than the one he produced, he will pay the difference. If it has an energy surplus that has been saved, it will be transferred to the next four months. Final clearance takes place every year.

Cost-effective Net Metering

See calculations and examples in the full guide

Quick damping, high performance

The performance of an investment in a net metering system is excellent. Compared to the best interest yields (3% on the following calculations), the internal efficiency starts at 14% for smaller plants and rises more than 20% in larger plants.The depreciation can be made even for 5 years, so the current does not cost anything for at least 20 years. This with conservative calculations (1300 kWh per kWP per year) and without deducting reduced costs in regulated charges (excluding CCPs) which are reduced if there is a high rate of simultaneity.

Additional benefits for individuals and businesses